Saturday, February 22, 2020

Article reviews for Theory and Practice of Mediation

Reviews for Theory and Practice of Mediation - Article Example But in this practice it is impossible to establish a dialogue between the clients. Finally solution focussed in brief in nature so waiting lists can be reduced. The main point of this reading was though a solution focussed model is a good way of solving the conflicts it suffers from a few drawbacks. An important strength of this piece of work is that it is well organised and it appears as if a thorough research has been done about the topic before writing and the writer has a complete knowledge and understanding about the topic he is writing about. A weakness of this article is it has failed in explaining properly the actual concept or the actual theory of solution focussed model. When the focus of the mediator is on ascertaining whether there is an underlying cause that has fueled the parties’ conflicts and the attempt to interest the parties in addressing it than it is called as a strategic style approach. Strategic style is the product of particular mediator characteristics and social circumstances. The characteristics of strategic style are – the attention to the latent causes is extremely pragmatic, the style is enacted in 3 discrete stages. Therefore it shares some similarities with variants of mediation with respect to these points – problem centered, pragmatic focus, emphasis on hidden dimensions of conflict and the notion that the mediator is the strategist who drives the problem solving process. The main point of this reading is that the strategic style focuses on the causes of conflict between the parties. An important strength of this piece of article is that it provides a comparative study between different methods and the va rious similarities and also the differences between them. An important weakness of this piece of article is that it does the ways in which this method will help in finding the causes or reasons of a particular conflict between the two parties. This theory is

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

Essay Example Though HIV proved vulnerable to a variety of medicinal treatments in its initial stages, its ability to mutate at a phenomenal rate has allowed it to evade all of the drugs that have been created to combat it. HIV’s propensity to rapidly evolve has thus far prevented scientists from discovering an effectual vaccine. HIV evolves (mutates) into many various types of strains in the afflicted system, therefore, the body’s immune system is not able to locate or eradicate the entirety of the virus. This is the problem for the researchers, doctors and the patients. They are attempting to fight a microbial enemy that is constantly changing and adapting so as to remain resistant to any and all anti-viral medications. â€Å"The [HIV] virus, replicating billions of times a day, can acquire new mutations at lightning speed. Eventually, some of the genetic changes enable the virus to resist even the most powerful drugs. These drug-resistant viruses come to dominate the [cellular] population and threaten the patient’s life† (â€Å"Structured Treatment†, 2001). HIV has been estimated to have the ability to mutate more than 100 times per day in untreated individuals. As a result drug resistant virus cell mutations are well ahead of the particular drug therapy being offered (Shafer, 2004). HIV is difficult to treat because it evolves so rapidly, it outpaces the treatments. â€Å"When a patient begins taking an HIV drug, the drug keeps many of the viruses from reproducing, but some survive because they happen to have a certain level of resistance† (Zimmer, 2001). Because of HIV’s ability to evolve at such a massive pace, it quickly counters selective treatments. The HIV cells that survive the initial drug infusion multiply and their decedents carry the drug resistant strain. This is the reason that patient drug therapy includes what is commonly